With rising food costs, you may be thinking of growing some of your food yourself this year. If this includes potatoes, onions or garlic now is a great time to buy your seed potatoes/onion sets/garlic cloves to plant and grow.
This season’s stock arrived the beginning of January, so come in as soon as you can for the best choice of varieties and quantities
It’s really easy and you don’t need a lot of space
Even if you don’t have a huge garden, there are ways to plant your seed potatoes in small spaces. We sell potato growing bags, or you can even experiment with re-using old compost bags or other containers. Just make sure that they have a few holes in the bottom for drainage.
Our guide to growing potatoes, onions and garlic
If you’re new to growing them, the range of seed potatoes, onion sets and garlic can be a bit overwhelming, so click here for our short guide on how to make sense of it, and how to grow your own potatoes, garlic and onions this season.