There are clear signs that Spring is on the way now. The days are longer and the temperatures are slowly increasing. Here are our top February gardening tips and what’s looking good at Earlswood Garden Centre right now…
Plants on sale now and looking good this month:
- Planted Bulb Arrangements
- Spring bulbs in flower for planting out for quick establishment – daffodils, snowdrops, blue bells
- Hellebores in flower
- Daphnes smelling great
- New season glazed pots now available
Top February Gardening Tips:
Prepare vegetable seed beds, and sow some vegetables under cover
We stock an extensive range of Johnsons and Mr. Fothergill’s flower and vegetable seeds.
Chit potato tubers
We still have a good range of seed potatoes in stock, in both bags and pick your own.
Here’s more advice on growing your own potatoes.
Protect blossom on apricots, nectarines and peaches
Prune Clematis this month. Those that flower after mid summer should be cut back hard [they only flower on newly grown shoots] but those that flower before mid summer should be more lightly pruned to about 75cm. The smaller flowered and species Clematis generally only need pruning to confine them to the space you have for them.
Prune winter-flowering shrubs that have finished flowering
Divide bulbs such as snowdrops, and plant those that need planting ‘in the green’.
Carefully divide them and replant immediately. Snowdrops hate to have their roots broken so be careful.
Prune Wisteria
Cut last year’s new wood on shoots back to 3-4 inches.
Prune hardy evergreen hedges and renovate overgrown deciduous hedges
If your hedge is very overgrown, you may need to do this in stages.
If you want to plant a new hedge we stock some great quality evergreen hedging plants.
Prune conservatory climbers such as bougainvillea
Cut back deciduous grasses left uncut over the winter, remove dead grass from evergreen grasses
Pull the dead grass gently from the base. It’s a good idea to protect you hands with gloves from potentially sharp edges.